Saturday 24 September 2011

Argg, Game Designers!

So I officialy luv MineCraft (and this is just a little frustration outlet, so on the off chance Notch comes accross this post, really luv your work to date). Though I officially loath realism in games! Its a game damn it, if I wanted real life I'd go out and fix my crippled social life (crippled by lack of realism in games making them so compelling hehe ;).

The latest update to MineCraft is overshadowed by the damn annoying hunger system. Its something close to what Diablo was like when you had to buy you arrows (tiring and a reason not to play) (ED: Though in general Notch seems to agree with this POV based on his webpage "If something ever doesn't feel fun, I'll remove it").

Fine, people want more point to the game. Well, find a point thats FUN not tedious. I mean who enjoys actually having to find food? Eating, sure, cooking sure, but actually FINDING.

I can't state emphatically enough, hunger in MineCraft is just annoying. If you want to motivate me not to spend so much time underground, put something on the surface I want to come up for.. like wood.. oh you already have that! well leave us damn alone >.<

Disgruntled MineCrafter.

ps. MineCraft is still 99% awesome. Only one major bitch, its a miracle!

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