Wednesday 21 October 2009

Advice on Marriage

When you meet the right person, you just know you MUST marry them (I learned this at 32).

When I met my someone (speaking only for my side of things) I just knew it was right and would work. Before I meet her I was wondering if I should marry my ex girlfriend thinking prehaps I was a commitment phobic person.

You should be just friends with partners for a good time so you have a chance to find what you want in your life and how they see you as a person and outside of their sexual attraction to you.

So my advice. Make lots of long term friendships, hug the friends you care for the most, hold hands and kiss with the friends your attracted to. If you find one friend is more special than all the rest and you start worrying about someone else "snagging" him from you, have him as a boyfriend and spend time together as a couple (but keep seeing / being friends with your other friends and them with their friends, but put each other first).

At some point, lighting with strike you too with your current partner or with someone completely new and unexpected and you will know what you have to do.

Maybe for some they will just settle into their long term relationship.

People forget that Marriage is special and unique. Some people think its something that "just happens" to people, but not necesarily everyone should marry, its something special that happens to lucky people and tends to happen alot, but its not a guarenteed part of life like birth or death but a miracle in your life, like having a healthy child or finding a long lost relative.


  1. Wow… nice post. It’s wonderful to read that! Especially when most people don’t really believe in marriage. I always do :)



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