Saturday 1 August 2009

Design Annoyances

I've been updating my web-site reciently and I am now taking a break from the task to be-moan a really annoying discovery about a design choice in Internet Explorer which wasn't readily apparent to me until just receintly.

Internet explorer uses the F5 key to refresh the page (seems ok), in newer versions it used the key sequence CTRL-F5 to force the page to be refreshed from souce (bypassing any checks made on the client side as to wether the page needs refreshing) also good.

However, when using IE on any regular basis its not long before you begin to realise how annoyingly close the shortcut to quit the browser is the shortcut to refresh the page!! Yes, you can see where this is going... I go to perform a CTRL-F5 and I am 1cm short and instead hit CTRL F4 and there goes the browser window.

This is now added to the another annoyance of IE which is the CTRL-W close window shortcut. Its so easy to accidently press this sequnce whilst typing in a web page and when the window closes, how hard is it to get what you typed back? Answer: Near impossible (probably actually impossible, I only say near impossible because if your a real clever hacker you just might be able to extract it from the page file).

Well, thats my "moan for the day". I am thinking of re-titling my blog... "General Complaining" because its all I seem to do in it lol.

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