Sunday, 27 January 2019

The reality of immigration

So, yesterday I watched this YouTube:

I want to comment upon the nature of immigration as a whole, the problems and finally observe the true reality of immigration.

I'll start this by pointing out I'm not a native of the nation in which I now reside, so therefore I am an immigrant, but unlike most immigrants I'm in NO illusions about myself or others like me. I'm also, generationally, British with Welsh ancestry on one side and American heritage on the other. So I'm not what the average person thinks of when they think 'immigrant' but I am typical of all the things immigration encompasses for better and for worse.

I want to say, that my oppinion of immigrants is actually rather low and that includes of my self. This is not due to any problems of self esteem, I've plenty of that, this is the factual reality of what my choices mean of me as a person.

However, obviously I don't hate on immigrants, and historically theres more immigrants than nationals the world over (due to a very long history of warfare and and even longer history of weak, pathetic humans or just people who are scare and not wanting to die or generally want more).

So what's good about immigration?
  1. Freedom of choice to live where you want to live
  2. Mostly profitable, both for the absorbing nation and the immigrant
  3. Most often advantagous to the immigrant
  4. Allows people in difficult positions an escape
So that is about all I can think of for positives and, as I go through this, I'll explain why really none of these things are a good thing. Lets see whats bad about immigration (it's difficult to form direct contrasts so I'll compare good and bad at the end):
  1. A person generally is imposing themselves upon the nation to which they migrate
  2. The migrant is abandoning a host nation and ceasing to try to improve or enrich that nation
  3. It allows a person to ignore a serious world problem for their convinence and benefit (meaning their resistance is not a force of change but a force of support)
  4. People abandon family connections and relatives (even when bringing some with them, they abandon their ancestors effort and identites or worse impose them on the new nation bringing with them all the problems which had them leave the old one)
  5. By not standing and facing the problems where they live, they support the continuation of those problems (though, when those problems are seemigly impossible or matters of life or death, its really easy to understand these weaknesses of character, but it does ultimately mean often one receives a shameful pupet that will run when things are no longer to their convinence or benefit, which is the WORST kind of neighbour in a crisis). 
Now, lets deal with a few negative, and racists myths of the negative order:
  1. Some people have oppinioned all immigrants are lazy:
          This is paitantly false and a evil lie when said unmittigated. The very act of uprooting yourself from somewhere, moving somewhere new and starting a whole new life is very far from lazy. However, in fairness to the root of this observation, whilst immigrants are not lazy in the immediate sense, most being very hard workers, in a bigger sense every immigrant is unwilling to work under the conditions they find themselve in their home nation, or in rare circumstances unable to work due to totallitarian regeme, they have chosen a move to benefit themselve which presumably means to get similar benefits where they are is either very hard or imossible (either way taking much more effort). So whilst not lazy in any real sense, they have chosen the easier path, which is, in essence a form of lazyness. Though, way less lazy than most of the people in the nations they move TO.

      2. People have suggested all immigrants are criminals

          This is again a lie, but if one removes the "all" replacing it with some it's a truth, but it's not a very useful one because some none immigrants are criminals as well.

     3. It's regularly said that immigrants steal nationals jobs

          This is pure self entitlement, jobs in a healthy nation are done by those either, wanting them, suited to them or at worst forced to do them to survive. Typically jobs taken by immigrants are given because an immigrant generally asks for less. They are usually used to difficulties in finding work so they tend to take jobs for way less than they might earn. In this respect they do bring down wages for the nationals. Though this isn't such a bad thing, on the whole. People need some competition otherwise everything becomes royal (one deserves more).

So clearly those above three staple opinions are at best ill informed at worse self entitled bullshit.

However, just because none of these are true does not mean the underlying concerns are not problems. Immigrants are generally, whilst not lazy, advantage seekers. They generally seek to avoid problems and seek advantage and that is generally not the type of person I would choose to be surrounded by. Now, of course, there are in reallity many kinds of immigrant. I emigrated from a very good nation, to at first try to find love and then afterwards to be with good people who focus on the right and better things in life and this is the truth of many immigrants. I'm definitely not lazy in the big picture way, I work 8 hour days and 5 days per week with 3 weeks holidays a year. Though, I am lazy in a certain way because I've had a very good upbringing (IMO) and been greatly advantaged by a loving caring family structure.

So, this is a point where it gets very complex, coming down to the fact that theres various sorts of immigrant, some worthy some not so much. Sometimes the comparison is relative, compared with some I am worthy, compared to others who give of themselves so much for others (such as my mother) I am rather pathetic.

What I do see though is that my emigration shows that I was unable or unwilling to support the nation which initially gave me support and a place to be. Whilst I have a range of reasons for my choices as all immigrants do, I see the reality is that I have not supported my birth nation and instead support a guest nation.

So, why is immigration bad over all, do I oppinion?
  1. Immigration is most often a person running out on some life challenge or choosing to solve that challenge by deciding its unsurmountable for them (e.g. It's a weak choice, of a weak person, though being weak doesn't make you bad, but you are being weak).
  2. Immigration (excepting minor exchanges of healthy happy people at boundaries) generally supports some underlying corruption, either in the exited place or in the entered place, or both. Even when no such corruption can be observed, its often there in the reasons they choose to move, because working where they are they do more work or get less reward than where they go to. Somewhere, something is unfair and without that person moving in for lower reward to the outside people it would force people to behave properly to those presently unwilling to work for that figure. If its a matter of not having the skills in the nation, that points to a problem in education or possibly some lacking in intelligence or lazyness in the receiving location.
So, why then am I still am immigrant? well, frankly it worked for me. There are many people immigration does work for and theres often enough benefit to be able to decide on the balance that the benefits make the negatives overlookable in a complex world. Would I have prefered not to migrate? Frankly yes I would have, I applied repeatedly for jobs in my host nation and didn't get considered but in my guest nation people saw my tallent and snapped it up. The fact this happened doesn't make my immigration good, but it could be argued to have made it inevitable.

So, when your thinking about immigrants, think how YOUR behaviours as a national are infact attributing and giving rise to its inevitability. Every time you turn down a national because they have too high expectations or you take on an immigrant because its making your bottom line look good, your supporting or enabling the problems of immigration.

Therefore, whilst I do see all the problems, I also see the truth of immigration which is whilst immigrants are demonstrably weaker people (relative to one who stays in the nation in a similar condition and circumstance), not everyone is always able to be strong and sometimes the people with the support of their birth nation are weak, but with the support of their host nation are unstoppable.

Think on these things next time you want to complain for or against immigration.

After thought:

Can their be good immigration and what should that look like?

So, there is certainly good immigration in theory. A good immigration would be where people move not because it's required but because its desired on all sides and all their affairs are in a good order both where they leave and where they arrive (no dependant left behind, no forced reason to move). My immigration is close to a healthy immigration, I had no forced reason to leave my home nation and the benefits I received where not my reason for leaving it. So I ask myself, why still my over all opinion of immigration is bad? I answer myself, I have weakened my larger family, I have chosen to benefit myself rather than sacrifice for the family or birth nation as a whole, and I see how that is disingenuious. Then, I don't feel I really knew how or was able to contribute really in the circumstances I came from, or at least, I was unwilling to contribute for what I saw as very little. So basically the answser is greed. I don't feel I'm greedy to the extent many corporations are greedy, but I do think I've taken advantage of a way of getting more for myself when many around me have given of their time for less to support the whole (in my birth nation). So, as an immigrant, we are lazy and greedy, BUT probably less than the people who are causing our immigration.

1 comment:

  1. I was brought here at a young age, too young to be able to make my own decision. As an adult I've returned to my birthplace many times to visit. I cannot fault my parents for migrating. This strength/weakness you mention is fine and well when you are deciding for yourself, but when there are children involved takes on a whole new twist. Our opportunities were very limited where we were, moving contributed much to our personal growth and education. As a result of our migration we have become better world citizens. What if by moving, you can contribute more to our world nation?


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