Saturday, 25 May 2019

Twice Upon a Time *crosses out time and writes* pile of shit

So, I'm watching DrWho, "Twice Upon a Time" and, well so far I'm really very unimpressed (not to mention embarassed by how bad it is).

ED: I'm writing this AS I'm watching, so I don't realise how bad it gets until later in the writing.

Lets start with the good things, the effects and CGI are par excellent, the acting is great and the music is epic.

It's just a massive, massive, massive shame that the story is god awful. It's the worst kind of nonsense crap. The whole sentient fule that was supposedly more powerfull than Dr Who was bad enough, but this episode has began with meaningless pomp and pomposity. In short, increadibly non- British.

I am  truely embarassed by this attempt at a Dr Who episode and feel sorry for the excellent actors who had to do their best with a blatantly really shitty script.

I cannot fathom how dumb Dr Who has become, I wonder WHO wrote this shit. It's got zero basis in Dr Who lore or any kind of science, fiction or otherwise. It's sentimentalist bullshit. Which is a real tragedy, because it features a range of fantastic actors and an obviously superb FX team.

This, in short, is the best made shit ever. It's the silk purse from a sow's ear. It's a whole set of non-sequters and meaningless sacrifices. My best hope is that it all turns out to be some bullshit dream.

It's sad, but I think today is the day I cease to be a "fan" of Dr Who. At least of THIS Who.

It's sentimentalist crap.. and don't get me wrong I love a bit of sentiment, but, I like my sentiment to have meaning, reason and purpose. Not to be random shit!

Finally it has the unmittigated GAUL to call upon the incredibly meaninful and beautiful event of the famous World War II Christmas Armistice. It's shamefull! SHAMEFUL! It takes a glorious moment in history, and trivialises it for a meaninglesss purpose. It uses a moment of epic historic importance and hope for mankind and trivialises it by associating it with a stupid plot. SHAME! SHAME!

Dr Who, in the past would have been the show to use such a powerful moment in history with respect to the power and decency of the occurance, sadly, instead 'modern Who' has butchered and shamed such a moment as the Armistice of WWII linking it with a meaningless pile of shit.

Oh, and they seem to have used Roses musical theme for the regeneration of the new Doctor. Totally failing to understanding the reasons behind indivualised theme music for the characters.

I'm watching back through to find out whos to blame for this god awful plot (I copied what I found as the picture at the top). Wow its a Moffat, I knew the last episode of Season 10 was pretty awful, but it had some real moments of deep emotion with Bill being turned into a Cyberman and the fight to the death between the masters (making a worthy, if not a favourite, Who). Yes, it was marred by the generally stupid idea of the 'sentient ship fule' which is more powerfull than Dr Who, but the emotional aspect allowed that to be moved past that.

In this episode, it feels like it tried to use a history moment of hope to 'rescue' a pile of crap, but what it actually did was drag down a glorious moment of humanity at a time of world war to its level :(.

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