Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Devolution of the Internet

I honestly don't know how we let the world deteriorate digitally.

The rise of the internet brought great feedoms to the whole of humanity, but the swansong is sinsiter and pervasive.

When the internet was first formed it was:
  1. Educational (lead by achedemia)
  2. Inclusive (anyone could become part of its infrastructure)
  3. Private (this might sound odd in the modern age, but when the internet was formed privacy was a very very real thing. There where many mechnisms to acheive totally anonimity).
  4. Not owned or controlled (outside of the basic will to provide it and the benefits of sharing)
 This lead to a system with rapid adoption and jam packed with factual content, as the primary providers of information where schollars and institutions. The information was often provided free of charge, excepting a small cost to partake in the network.

Contrast this to today's internet:

  1. Misinformation and propagnda - Used pervasively for misinformation and political and media propagnda
  2. Exclusive (Giant corporations privatising huge chunks and applying control mechanisms to either favour their own traffic [Netflix] or to prevent contrary opionion [China]).
  3. Anti-Private - Primarily used to monitor and spy on users behaviours by both legitimate and criminal organisations (worse often with user colusion, in the case of Valve).
  4. Privatised - Large corporations and governments attempting to take control on the medium for political, cut-throat business and criminal aims.
 People have no rights in this new world. Attribution is weakly defended, personal information is widely distributed, large companies ring fence and drive out smaller providers.

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