No, thats not some kind of system like the HADS (a lovely contrivence for TARDIS defence, Hostile Attack Dispursal System) but infact stands for:
- Too Much Money, Not Enough Plot.
I rather thing the earlier show runners, where the types that where used to having hardly any buget then running an amazing show despite (almost because of it). When Tennants Doctor hit, these directors found they had more money than expected and put it into production values and made a fantastic job of the whole thing. Which, gladly, brought success to DrWho but sadly brought money which obviously attracted some of the wrong sort. The wrong sort being those who see the budget first then how they can spend it making DrWho, rather than the sort who look for ways to make amazing TV using DrWho on a shoe string budget then use any extras to reward the viewers; of course this is all just how it feels as a watcher. The reality may be entirely different.
I felt the effects took over the plot in the Davros episode (no spoilers here, watchers will know which one). They took center stage. Also, there was a cringy, sad attempt to copy the successfull / popular themes of the day (something that Dr Who has done in its darker days, and is fine as an occasional stop gap but NOT good DrWho which is TV which says 'fuck everyone, where going THIS way').
So, let me call out how they (badly) copied aspects of StarWars (particularly the Cantina, and gruddy space bar effect). They copied elements to be seen in Marvel or DC type comic books, including a weird snake man which was ENTIRELY out of place on the planet of Davros. Though they did do a good gag with the Hand Mines, even though it was basicly robbing themes from such things as evil dead and ever Zombie movie ever made. Still, Dr Who is a bit of a plot robber at its best of times. So won't entirely slate it for that.
I loath the Greed shown towards fans of the show releasing season 9 first in two box sets.
I still love Dr Who and am SO glad that chav Matt Smith has been purged now. Though he did come after a God in the form of David Tennant, who even made the annoying squeeks and bleets of Catherine Tate bareable (which is no mean feat).
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