Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Campaign against unnecessary surgery

This blog post is advice for any mother or father who is getting advice from a doctor to put their child into heart surgery.

When I was age 5, a doctor though they knew much better than nature. They where convinced they would reduce my chance of heart attack at age 40 by surgery at age 5.

What they actually did was to ensure that I would very probably need more surgery. Had they left me the alone, I would not have been at any risk now because the area of my heart they identified back then as dangerously narrow and the valve they labelled incompetent was based on a child's heart (I realise that people try their best and observe the probable. This is not to hate doctors who do a valuable and often humble job. This is a cautionary tale). Having reached 38, everything has grown and expanded and, if I had been left alone, everything would have been exactly as needed for me at this age (evidence suggests).

However, those doctors knew best and I was a child and trusted my parents who trusted and still trust them to know better (which for a set of parents believing in god, it makes me query whether in fact what they really believe God or really in science and man).

So, when I was 5 I had a narrow right artery and a very tight right ventricle valve. They removed the narrow artery and cut into the valve to "loosen it". Now, at age 38 the artery has stretched (so it would not have remained narrow anyway) and the valve is so loose its leaking for 2/3'rds of its cycle, which means, technically, I am one third from serious heart failure. Had they left me the alone I would should been just right for this age naturally given my original biology (hind sight always 20/20).

So please, Mothers and Fathers, question doctors decisions. I suspect that 99 times out of 100 your better off leaving it to nature! What was 'preventative' for me has turned into necessitating surgery.

Since now its deemed necessary (according to some doctors, lets just say I'll wait and see) that I need more surgery to correct what was set wrong by the original procedure (I am, understandably reluctant given their first outcome, but not they will be just 'correcting' their own mistakes.. for them a mistake, for me a life problem).

On the flip side, I am alive and healthy. So they didn't kill me. Sometimes, no decision can be known to be correct. Though nature will do her best.