Thursday, 30 December 2010

Microsoft Outsource to China

Why should I care? I would feel the same way, but, for Windows Update!

When I worked for an UK Internet Technology Company, whilst working there there where a great number of unsolicited connections comming from Chinese and South African IP addresses.

Investigation into this traffic proved the traffic to be Hacker Activity and specifically Brute Force attempts to gain access to one of the Companies SQL servers.

In my time I have rarely seen attacks comming from English or Ammerican IP addresses. Those countries are probably just too well regulated and locked down and people have much easier ways of making money (aquiring information?).

So basicly the solution was historically to block incomming connections from any unknown Chineese IP addresses (which makes perfect sense, all the companies I've worked for have been UK, Ammerica or NZ based and have little business ties to China).

Until I reciently discovered that Microsoft seem to have distributed Windows Update world wide. Now, your friendly regional updates are sourced (or might be sourced) from China Seems crazy? Its happend to me (I thought I had a virus... maybe I do?). It just seems to be that Windows Update wants to download its latest batch of updates from China.

Just incase there is someone out there why might be able to say "hey, yup.. its a virus" and maybe I'm misjudging Microsoft? Heres the IP address(s) in question:

Registered to : Beijing Urban Network Co.,Ltd

Being accessed when I run Windows Update for Windows Vista Ulitimate.

Hey maybe its just got f'ed up and can't recognise where my IP is and thinks I'm in China.. I'm open to possibilities?

Monday, 20 December 2010

Thats just Charming!

Oh my god!

Whoever wrote the later series of Charmed (4th Season onward) completely runined the character of Phobe :(.

The love whole story between a Demon and a Good Witch (Cole and Phoebe) is/was timeless (and should have ended in a win for the power of love.. should of). In the first, second and even third seasons it was explored so vividly and so well (with love conquering all against great odds). The up's and down's, the mistakes and the forgiveness.

Then, the Seer arrives and maniplulates the couple (which was not in of itself a bad direction for the plot). Love then proceeds to fly out the window and the whole series decends into a pointless re-living of earlier events (and in essence basic story concepts of Cole plotting subitly) and attempts to turn Cole back into the evil character he once was. Though at each stage its the actions of Pheobe that turns Cole more and more evil (whilst she is excused of her own evil and making cole feel he can be nothing but).

All the charm went out of Charmed!

Pheobe and Page's characters are made to appear to be total sluts going from one seemingly loveless bedding to the next (though some small amount of effection is always involved) and all the witches are painted as blameless and good no matter what they do whilst a Demon (who infact often behaves far better than any of the witches, is evil).

It left me feeling I should be getting in touch with my inner demon as the Demon sets a better example than the girls. Maybe its a bitter writer trying to say its better to be demonic than good O_o but this is hardly a moral to live by, nor one I would support.

Just to be clear, I don't think theres anything wrong with a strong female character, but its hardly strong sleeping with a range of men (who all want to sleep with the girl) and the character keeping moving on to the next. To many "males" of this world its their idea of the ideal girl i'm sure *rolls eyes*.

At least Pipers character remained strong and thats probably the only thing compeling me to keep watching (as I need something I can relate to / sympathise with). Piper stays true to love without ceasing to be faithful and loving to her partner.

The whole Cole-Pheobe love story was so complelling and filled with the best and sometimes the most challenging aspects of true love.

Only eventually to paint true love as pointless and evil in the later episodes.

"Pheobe has become the architypal loveless slut" would be a fair quote for the seasons past season 3.

Which is such a shame because Phoebes started out as a powerfull woman living by her own rules. Which didn't initially mean a lack of love. She started out as strong and independent, willfull and loving. I am not sure what she became but it wasn't the original Phoebe. Maybe its more realistic and thats why I don't like it... I guess that could be fair to say.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Recommendations to increase your personal privacy

I am very concerned with my pesonal privacy. What I decide to search for is my very own business and noone elses. Only these days everyone wants to make it their business.

This is largely something unavoidable. Though there are ways to prevent unintended breaches of privacy.

Google is a great search engine, but, it completely invades your privacy as much as the law will allow.

Whenever you use a modern browser with Google the site stores all the unique information about your browser (there can be valid reasons for doing this, there is no requirement to do so for a search service except to support user tracking for its ad's, and, hence, tracking of you as an individual). Sure its not tied to your name but I don't like it at all. Secondly, when using modern browsers, everything you type into the search box gets sent to google immidiately (to provide you with an as you type search, if your feeling generous to google). Again, this is crap, many a time I've accidently typed a private URL into their search box only to curse as it was already too late.

So, for a solution I recommend the following:

Add to your restricted websites. You will still be able to use the search facility but Google will now only receive information after you have accepted a prompt to transmit it and furthur no google related browser scripted components will run.

Google have made their own bed on this one and I fully recommend to everyone to do this!

Google became great by respecting the public and providing clean and simple search results. Now Google is big business and feels little need to respect the public beyond the minimum necessary to keep us using their service. Given that this is their attitude, I say your going to get the minimum necessary information from ME to use YOUR service.

The end.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Windows Security

Windows Security is pretty good. The UI for managing the security is sometimes very poor. Any Administrator who is trying to manage permissions on complex directory trees will know the sense of frustration I experience when being presented with a dialog like the following:

Which as you can see is completely useless to the administrator. This box is usually seen when using the option:

Whats required here is the option for the Administrator to provide sufficient system credentials to circumvent this "Access Denied" issue (or if it is behaviour by design, a full description on why these permissions are thought not to be changable).

The reason is probably that some permissions in the ACL are set not to be inheritable (e.g. not to propergate above this folder). The error message does not give the Administrator the clue that this is the issue.

Security permission control should be simple. Make is so Microsoft, please.

FaceBook fails users AGAIN (privacy failing)

I am so *£%#@ off right now. I already setup my privacy settings ONCE to disallow public access to my account BUT FaceBook has gone through a back door to enable that access.

How so? Well, whilst I setup my account settings to be all "Friends Only", APPARENTLY FaceBook author (feel like telling him to go *£%#off) feels the "general public" are my friend so allowed the world to see my name and a list of my friends (which has lead to an unhealthy amount of new spam which lead me to find out the source of this spam).

Heres a heads up for all facebook users, vital personal information (in this case your name and a list of people who are your friends) is being made publicly available by your FaceBook account. Yes.. I repeat publicly available.

Please PLEASE follow the following steps to prevent this before you too become another hit on Google (and therefore the primary target of spammers!).

Goto the "Account" drop down in the top left of your FaceBook page. Click "Privacy Settings" and you should be taken to the following page:

Click on the "Edit your Settings" button next to the "Application and Websites" at the bottom of the screen.

In the section "Public Search" click "Edit Settings".

Untick the box which contains the "Enable Public Search".

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Grand Theft Auto IV

This is the worst game in the GTA series yet (so far).

First off theres the massively invasive installation process which forces you to play online (or at the least forces you to require an internet connection to use the product).

Right, so for now I've put up with that s**t on the basis, hey maybe the game makes the loss of personal privacy worth it? (hah).

So, I am playing the game... unlike the other GTA's (which where suggestive and excitingly unconventional and to be fair down right criminal hehe) this game just comes across as lude, crude, rude and somewhat offensive.

Within the first converstation between the main character and his cousine many sensiblities are down right offended. Now, I realise thats part of the ethos of the game genera, but frankly previously it was done with alot of class. This introduction is just plain "base", it might be more realistic, but I don't want to REALLY be a criminal. I want to PLAY at the exciting parts of the fantasy of Crime (thats why I play). This incarnation of the game so far seems to completely miss this concept.

Graphically the game is good, but, I bought the game months and months ago but only reciently upgraded with a machine good enough to play it. Now, bear in mind my old machine was no slouch. It was a Pentium D 3.2ghz with a Nvidia GTO 7900. Sufficient for many lush games (like BioShock and Batman). Though failed for GTA IV.

Now my new setup runs it fine, but what a disapointment.

The MOST annoying thing though, the thing that made me quit the game in disgust, is the completely control freak nature of the new system.

In the older GTA games the joy of the game is not doing what your told the freedom of those games is massive and frankly very exciting. I thought this would be a given for the new game so the first thing I do is ignore my "cousin" and wander off to explore. At this stage, without the irritating dialog, the games looking pretty exciting again. However, just as I am enjoying myself, the game cuts me off mid pummel and says "You have abandoned your cousine" and then RESETS ME back to the car.

OH MY GOD! How shit can you get!

I will probably try the game again at some stage but that experience has put me right off.

Windows L(Spy)ive

I only need to mention two technologies, SecuRom and Windows Live. Two of the most public and invasive technologies created today (who thought Steem would look innocent by comparison).

So, SecuRom installs a kernel component to give itself root level access to your system (even more priviledged that the user and able to bypass any and all security measures you may have in place). Windows Live installs a swath of processes all of which want to be very chatty about the fact that you have Windows Live installed (to the joy of any system hacker, its like installing a process saying "pick me, pick me, I have a gianormous attack footprint").

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Comodo = Software Leak?

Now I've got a lot of good things to say about Comodo Internet Security suite. Firstly it has proper 32bit and 64bit versions and has for some time now. Secondly its feature "Defense+" is possibly the most comprehensive and ambitious pro-active security solution ever (though you really need to be a computer developer to make the most from it).

Now for the whine:

Defense+ includes a section called "Pending Files" which I hadn't really investigated much until today (that is Comodo Internet Security version 4.1.1500349.920). This section reportedly maintains a list of unrecognised executable files (which on the surface seems fine). It gives the option to submit these unrecognised files to Comodo (presumably for approval or whatever).

So, today I was investigating a Virus Report from the engine. Comodo has had a bit of a spotted history with its Anti-Virus solution. Specifically if is quite prone to false or incorrect reports. So, I was attempting to validate its claim using which seems like a good site. Whilst I was looking into this I came across "My Pending Files" and I looked and there where a list of executables (fair enough) and amoung them some of my own peices of software.

Then I looked again, and noticed that 2 of the files in the list had been "submitted" to Comodo. I was not aware of ever agreed to this! One of these files was an application I develop that contained propritory code I would very much not like to distribute anywhere for any reason. Whilst I'm not saying Comodo are going to be stealing code, they are probably going to be performing a threat analysis upon the executable in question and to do that understanding its function and purpose is key. So, then they will understand the function and purpose of my propriotory code and well, if you understand something you use that knowledge!

This, to me, is a serious risk of software leak. One I felt I was not given the option to prevent (or at least there was no clear warning it would be sending this file out).

So in summary. If your a software developer, Defense+ is both a boon and a danger. I am not going to disable it because it does guard my system well in all other respects.

This post on their forums has also pacified me for now :;msg124795

Lastly at least it DID tell me it had leaked my executable. I will be keeping a close eye on it in future and possibly doing my development on a different machine to my internet connected system.

AMMENDIUM: I now noticed this:

The "Submit the file to COMODO for analyis" button must have been checked when I was wanting / expecting to check / select "Do this for every" checkbox from the older Comodo dialog. So, sadly, I guess I have been my own leak. Still far to easy to do and no way to disable this.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Torchwood, Series 3.. Return to form

After struggling through series one and two of Torchwood cringing along the way I finally reached Series 3, also known as Children of the Earth.

What a brilliant return to form, intrigue, action, suspense, plot oh joyous plot unfolding (previously so absent).

I'm only on Day 3 (the third episode) so I might well yet be posting a blog on how bad the ending is, after earlier disapointments I'm not going to get too excited yet.. but I have a cautious optimism based on episodes one and two. Fingers crossed.


Whoever directed the Day Three episode completely overused the "Zoom onto the News on TV" effect. It completely destroyed the power of such a cinematic. If used once or twice its a powerful and moving moment / gesture.. if you show it 10 or more times like in this epsiode / series.... well.

Still, managed to be good overall tho :).

Overall, Series 3 is a thumbs up :). Though, parts of it are very contrived... kids as alien drugs? hmmmm, still glossing over those types of shortcommings a great series!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Torchwood... so bad I had to fast forward!

Oh my God!

I've never known a TV show I liked to be SO bad that I couldn't watch it!

Even the piss poor episode with the Psyco family was "comparitively" watchable.

I just watched "Out of Time", please do yourself a favour, skip it! I am a bit stubborn watching series in order and since Torchwood and Dr Who match up I wanted to watch them in order. Out of time was SO awful I had to skip at least 5 mins of it. I couldn't watch it any longer... I stuck it out after stupid twist after stupid twist.

Where was the plot? Where was the "reason". Where was the interest! The "girl" who plays the lead fancies everyone, and I mean everyone.. every damn episode shes giving googly love eyes to someone else. Whilst i'm sure this is probably a very real possibility, wheres the character... can you base a "character" on the lack their of?

There was a moment when things looked like they might have picked up. When the man met his son.

The whole of Torchwood seems to pander to many of the worst traits in humanity, even bringing down the best actions to seem selfish and unimportant.

Strikes me that the writers could do with listening to this:

Which is a link which a very good friend of mine posted.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Torchwoood / Could-have-been-so-good

What a tragedy! Great actors, great initial concept.. entirely ruined by a lack of creative writing talent (and possibly poor direction).

First episode, exceptional, good start (enough to get me hooked, well done)...

Second episode, bizare unsettling but never the less passibly good (weird tho, but par for course I guess).

Third episode, utter drivel. Yet, still vuagely watchable drivel.

Fourth episode... could be a recovery, not quite working but an improvement.

Then, the worst kind of desperate plots follow. Dr Who, know for its scientific fiction with a little bit of artistic licence just to give science a shine. Torchwood, their dealing with ghosts, twisted horror, thrillers and faries! OMG why not just take every major B movie ever made and make it into a Torchwood episode.. oh wait.. you did >.<

Its a criminal shame!

Not to mention how weak is the introduction sequence (Actor playing Jack, c'mon i've seen great acting from you in Dr Who, I know your good.. was this an off day?)!

So so very disapointed!

Oh my god (watching it now) this is so awful (as people try to make dramtic what is senseless drivel.. and bear in mind, I can rather enjoy drivel if its good)! I feel like i'm wasting my life watching this but I know i'll watch them all for the sake of the fact that Dr Who is still excellent (and I want to know how things tie in as a stickler for completeness).

Torchwood (as a series) fails on nearly every level, and what is most tragic is that it should have been a hit (its so good in theory, just lacked execution). Jack Harkness, what a character (ruined) all the characters had so much potential, but the way they played out resulted in sh**.

Highly Recommend Dr Who, highly slate Torchwood (which is sad because I so want to like it too).


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Catherine Tate Ruined Dr Who!

I am a huge Dr Who fan. Daivd Tennant did the seemingly impossible by surplanting Jon Pertwee as my favourite doctor (and thats no mean feat). Now, Catherine Tate is ruining the enitre Dr Who experience (yes, i'm behind, still on Season Four).

She is just point blank irritating. I've never encountered a more irritating assistant. Maybe its acted to be that way, but then why the heck is the doctor putting up with the crap.

Personally, I think its more likely the over the top ham acting shes famous for. Thats why shes a comedian and not an actor in my view (ham is funny when its a comedy).. yes, I know Dr Who has been including more humor which is all well and good but shes more farce and ridicule. A little of which can counterpoint the seriousness of the doctor... a lot.. pah!

I'll watch the episodes, becasue the plots are still good and Tennant is masterful! I wasn't initially convinced by the earlier two companions but without fail by the end of the first episodes they fitted and by their last they where missed when they left.

Really hating whoever cast Catherine Tate in the role.

Sunday, 14 March 2010


Ammendium: As you can tell from the below post. I was pretty steaming when this happened. Now, in clamer tones I will reflect my opinion.

WARNING: If you are using Microsoft Products DISABLE WINDOWS UPDATE unless you want to risk losing your work.

The catch 22 of this situation is I have to recommend regularly keeping your system up to date. I just can't recommend Windows Update because of its shamefully bad behaviour.

(I keep my original irate post as a reminder of just HOW irate Windows Update can make me).





Thursday, 7 January 2010

Windows Vista, DVD-R Destruction

When I take a disk recorded in my stand alone HDD/DVD recorder and try to play it in on my Windows Vista Ultimate PC, sometimes Vista destroys the DVD in such a way that it won't play afterwards in either the computer or on the DVD player.
  • I have a Sanyo HDD/DVD Recorder which does an adquate job of recording some of my favourite Television. Occasionally, I archive recorded episodes to DVD.
  • I have a Windows Vista Ulitmate PC with 2 LG DVD drives which I occationally use as a media centre.
There is no pattern to this behaviour, but having investigated the resultant corrupt disk using ISO buster it appears that Windows Vista is falsly recognising the inserted disk as a "empty" (or something) and writting a second "NULL" session to the disk (effectively erasing the disk). Oddly, when the disk is inserted into the HDD/DVD recorder afterwards it says : "No Disk". It also claims their is "No Disk" when inserting it into the PC (though ISO Buster, being an excellent tool, is able to see the original session).

The odd thing is, this doesn't seem to always happen? This always worries me because most commonly in my experience inconsistant issues are a result of user error? Though, I fail to see why any action of inserting a disk (without any specialised software running) should cause a recordable DVD to be effectively destroyed for normal use!

Fortunately, this issue does not unduely concern me as purchase all the movies I like and I haven't lost a recording I could not replace.

It seems Microsoft provide a very poor solution when it comes to built-in DVDR/CDR support in Vista. Microsoft do manage to present a simple interface to DVD/CD writing but this is entirely ruined by the fact that it can cause loss of data when using non-Microsoft software written DVD's.

Shame on them!